Finally, a way to fly the entire world in FS2000 and be able to make IFR approaches! No more guessing. No more fumbling through old books or websites to try and figure out how to get to Guam on a stormy night.
Or Juneau Alaska in a blizzard. Maybe even LaPaz Bolivia in a thunderstorm! Your printer and SimPlates 2000 World Edition is your key to exploration.
The World Edition is very similar to the USA version, minus the airport facility directory. I can only imagine how impossible it must be to get information on each airport from third-world countries. I am grateful we have plates and airport diagrams.
SimPlates 2000 World Edition comes with tabs that display information on Navaids, STARs, preferred IFR routings and a legend to explain it all. Again, in real life, this would be many stacks of separate books - all at a cost exceeding the puny $25 for the entire SimPlates package! It is a cinch to use and no instructions are needed to use the program.